This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Here's what's happening today in pop culture:

• Rush Limbaugh thinks there's a liberal Hollywood conspiracy afoot that the villain in "The Dark Knight Rises" is named Bane — which sounds like Bain, the name of the equity firm Mitt Romney used to run. No, really, he said that. Is he off his meds, or on them? [MSNBC]

• Here's how director Andrew Stanton is going to get back on the horse after "John Carter": Going back to Pixar to direct "Finding Nemo 2." [The Hollywood Reporter]

• The S.S. Coachella — a cruise version of the hipster music festival — is happening this December, with trips to the Bahamas and Jamaica. Pulp leads the line-up. [The Huffington Post]