This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

With the series premiere of "Gotham" less than a week away, I put my detective skills to task to figure out where the city's villains would hide out, or stage their elaborate schemes, were their evil ever to spread to Salt Lake City.

Turns out there are at least a handful or prime locations in or near downtown that the villainous likes of The Riddler and Poison Ivy would spring for (after they spring from Arkham Asylum, that is). Gotham's villains love a thematic venue, and Salt Lake City is full of them. Check out the list below:

Two-Face • Second and Second

Where else in Salt Lake City screams Two-Face more than the historic Second and Second building at, as the name implies, 200 East and 200 South? It's easy to imagine the district-attorney-turned-psychopath scheming against Batman in one of the building's two upper floors, which until recently were above a bike shop. You know, two-wheelers?

The Penguin • Chase Home in Liberty Park

The historic mansion-turned-art museum at 1100 S. 600 East would be perfect for Oswald Cobblepot's finer tastes. Plus, it's secluded enough for him to hatch his schemes, and so close to Tracy Aviary he'd hardly need to waddle far to prepare for them. Indeed, the bird zoo could supply any of The Penguin's fowl needs for his foul deeds. Its cages would even make good cells for a bat or robin, don't you think?

The Riddler • Salt Lake Masonic Temple

Edward Nygma is nothing if not a show-off, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a showier venue than the Masonic Temple at 650 E. South Temple, with its grand décor and elaborate inner Egyptian chamber. Even the sphinxes that line the front steps, with their ancient riddles, perfectly complement Nygma's ego.

Poison Ivy • Red Butte Garden and Arboretum

The criminal botanist would feel right at home among the arboretum's copious greenery; plus its 300 Wakara Way location within the University of Utah's Research Park further complements her scientific background. The gardens are a bit secluded and farther away from the city, but Pamela Isley's never been a big fan of people, anyway.

The Scarecrow • Crane Building

OK, so I picked this one entirely because of the name on the building, but how could you not? Sure, the Crane Building at 307 W. 200 East is a little on-the-nose for Jonathan Crane, but you're talking about the kind of larger-than-life personality that puts a burlap sack over his head and calls himself The Scarecrow. He'd probably see those shining lights as a sign — which, I mean, it is, literally.

You're welcome, Bats – I saved you some trouble. But those five hardly account for his entire rogue's gallery. Where would the likes of The Joker, Harley, Mr. Freeze, Mad Hatter, Clayface or Bane hide out from or set a trap for the Caped Crusader? Sound off in the comments below!

— Michael McFall

Twitter: @mikeypanda