This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Green River Fishing Report for June 28th, 2012 from Ryan Kelly with Flaming Gorge ResortFlows around 1500 during the day.Hatches: Yellow Sallies, PMD's, and Caddis. There are also plenty of Terrestrials out as well.Dry fly fishing continued to improve as more PMD's and Sallies graced us with there pressence. Both have appeared around mid morning and continue through to the mid afternoon. Many fish also graced us with their pressence as they violently crashed the surface eating our Sally imitations. These stoneflies are great swimmers and the fish get after them with a little more aggression. There have been a lot of rising fish on the lower half of A section and almost the entire B section. The biggest challenge to the dry fly fishing has been the wind. With the extra hot and dry conditions we continue to see high winds each afternoon. For the most part the mornings have been calm and provided some great fishing. During the few times I nymphed fished this week it continued to be great. For now I plan to take advantage of the dry flying while we got it. In the pics I included a Mamba Ant which has been best for me on A section. Also, a yellow or orange stimulator works great for a Sally imitation. good times and dancing lines, Ryan