This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Just a few minutes ago, the Utah Republican Party sent reporters this open letter to Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon. And the governor is breathing fire.

Two things that are worth noting:

First, during his press conference on Monday, Lt. Gov. Greg Bell was asked by AP's finest, Brock Vergakis, what was factually incorrect with the information in the 57-page memo the Corroon campaign released and he said there weren't factual errors, but they objected to the insinuations created by the way the facts were presented.

Second, Herbert said after his fairly disastrous press conference on Monday that he would respond to the claims from the Corroon campaign during the debates (although many have counseled him not to respond at all). I guess that strategy is going by the wayside.

Here is the full text of the letter (or click here for a slightly larger, more readable version):

So what do you think, good readers? Is this a smear campaign? Has Corroon crossed the line here? And is the governor rightly indignant?

— Robert GehrkeTwitter: @RobertGehrke