This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Sen. Bob Bennett has been much more candid in media interviews since he lost his re-election chances at the state GOP convention in May (recall his diss at hobbyists?), but he offers some bunt answers to questions during a sit down with NBC News. A few snippets:

On the GOP lacking real ides: "I think the party is on the threshold of what everybody in the press will call a historic victory. And we're on the threshold of real problems if we don't have a governing philosophy."

On the disconnect between politicians and the public: "They have no understanding of what we do. They expect that we spend most of our time on the Senate floor debating. The image of Webster and Calhoun and Clay changing the course of the Republic with a brilliant speech is still in their minds. [But] particularly since the advent of television in the chamber, Senate speeches are more and more irrelevant."

On his successful opponent and GOP Senate candidate Mike Lee's suggestion of phasing out Social Security: "That's not an idea, that's a slogan. That's not a viable idea that has been thought through."

On his newfound frankness: "My attitude is 'free at last, free at last!' I can say and do whatever I want because I'll never have my name on a ballot again."

— Thomas