This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

There's a makeshift feel to the results watching at Cafe Marmalade, the Salt Lake City coffeehouse and clubhouse for the Utah Pride Center.

A sheet is hung up on the bookshelves, and a streaming computer feed of ABC News' results is being projected on it while people play cards, drink coffee and check their laptops.

Jenn Johnson, 37, came in to get a coffee with her friend, Carolyn Johnstone, and wait until the Democratic Party's party at the Sheraton starts at 7 p.m.

It's been a full day for Johnson, who normally works as a graphic designer. She got up at 7 a.m. to vote, then spent the morning volunteering for the Democrats. She spent the afternoon driving neighbors to the polls.

"You'd be amazed," Johnson said. "You can pop your head up and be an agent for change."

Johnson wears her politics on her sleeve – or, specifically, on her blue Obama t-shirt.

"I love President Obama's grace," Johnson said. "He makes me proud to be an American every time he speaks."

That said, she's been mistaken for a Republican — namely, a school-board candidate also named Jenn Johnson.

"How dare you recall me a Republican?" Johnson joked. "I will never become a Republican."