
Letter: The contrast between Biden and Trump is bound to be manifold

President-elect Joe Biden speaks during an event at The Queen theater, Friday, Jan. 15, 2021, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

Less than a week to the changing of the guard and  what I expect will be a people-centered presidency of Biden. Let’s review what happened in Trump’s presidency and look forward to Biden’s.

The U.S. used to be the acknowledged leader of the free world. Trump destroyed that with “America first.” A recent Pew Research report shows all his major policies are very unpopular abroad. In a September survey of the seven largest European countries, Biden was favored 3 to 1 (Italy) and 4 or 5 to 1 (all the others). International relations as a Trump failure.

Trump touts the stock market as his major success. I don’t understand why it keeps rising. Trump boasted he would slash the annual trade deficit - instead it has grown in 3 of his 4 years. His tax cuts helped the rich. People with after-tax income of $500K, including Trump, apparently saved 3% plus on their taxes - plus a bundle on potential inheritance taxes. Unless you are in this group, his handling of the economy is a failure.

Law and order affects all of us. Apparently, a repetition of the Trump-encouraged mob attack on the Houses of Congress is likely in Utah in the coming days. Nothing positive will result, but the potential for major harm is considerable especially with at least 5 million new owners of guns countrywide this year.

What can we expect from Biden? Experience - not bullying, and boasting on TV. Restoring America’s world standing will be difficult, but few have as much experience as Biden. I expect a strong attack on COVID-19, a restoration of friendly relations with allies, a major effort to get Americans back to work and on the environment, and demands for major contributions from the rich. What’s not to like?

Frank Fish, Taylorsville

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