
Letter: A sentence never carried out

(George Frey | AP file photo) Ron Lafferty is lead by security into his court hearing in the 4th District Courtroom of Judge Anthony Schofield in Provo, Oct. 6, 2005. Lafferty was trying to get his conviction overturned from the 1984 double murders of his sister-in-law and her 15-month-old child.

Ron Lafferty’s time on death row has cost the state of Utah millions of dollars.

Thirty-four years on death row and the sentence of death by a firing squad was never carried out. The family of the victims never had “closure” of the killings of their loved ones.

Either set a time limit on the death penalty (six months at the most for appeals) or give a life sentence without parole. Prisoners are costing us money that can be spent on our infrastructure.

Jim Dublinski, Salt Lake City

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