
Letter: It’s only fair that people who have more children should pay more for education

There have been a lot of articles in the Tribune related to fairness.

One article said water rates should be tiered so that those who used more water should pay more money. Makes sense. The more product or service you use, the more you pay.

Another article was about changing the way we are taxed to pay for our roads. The more you drive, the more you should pay toward maintaining our roads. Again, they state fairness as an issue.

What I want to know is why that same philosophy is not used when it comes to educating children. Our schools are overcrowded and always in need of money.

On this issue, the more children you have, the less you have to pay. This makes no sense to me.

Why are the people using more of the product/service not paying their fair share for it? This is ludicrous. If you are going to tout fairness in all these other issues, let’s tout fairness when it comes to educating children. They at least need to pay their fair share.

Barbara Jay, Cottonwood Heights