
Letter: Rubio, Lee caved on Child Tax Credit

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah speaks to reporters about balancing the budget, Wednesday, June 29, 2011, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Sens. Marco Rubio and Mike Lee have abandoned their lowest-income constituents, choosing party over principle once again. Instead of sticking to their demands for a significantly increased Child Tax Credit, they once again caved.

A full-time working parent earning minimum wage would realize $37.50 per child annually under the accepted compromise, the same amount that was in the Senate bill. The Rubio/Lee amendment called for $247 per child. A family earning $24,000 annually would realize $400 per child under the compromise. The Rubio/Lee amendment called for $836 per child.

Sure, less than half a loaf — or just a couple of slices — is better than none. But when your votes are critical, you have bargaining power. Sen. Lee, why did you not work harder for Utah’s lower- and middle-income families?

Joanne Slotnik, Salt Lake City