
Letter: Mormon abusers will claim ‘The Eyring Pass’

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) President Henry B. Eyring conducts the Priesthood session of LDS General Conference, Saturday, September 30, 2017.

President Henry B. Eyring states at the most recent LDS General Conference, “It takes faith to believe that God calls imperfect people into positions of trust ... I try not to judge servants of the Lord or to speak of their apparent weakness.”

One can only take him at his word as a top official in the church when viewing the church’s response to sexual abuse in its midst.

Unfortunate victims like Ginger Utley, whose story of being abused by an LDS Sunday school teacher was on the same page as Eyring’s quote, have nowhere to turn because guardians and church members they trust give the abuser what I will call “The Eyring Pass.”

With this attitude, it’s only a matter of time before the LDS Church has to face its own abuse crises.

Dan Cannon, Salt Lake City