
Letter: Enough ‘conversation’ about guns

Shooting instructor Frankie McRae illustrates the grip on an AR-15 rifle fitted with a "bump stock" at his 37 PSR Gun Club in Bunnlevel, N.C., on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017. The stock uses the recoil of the semiautomatic rifle to let the finger "bump" the trigger, making it different from a fully automatic machine gun, which are illegal for most civilians to own. (AP Photo/Allen G. Breed)

I’m gratified to hear our elected representatives are finally willing to “start the conversation” on some form of regulation in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre. The target of this conversation? Bump stocks. No doubt they will twist themselves into exotic new pretzel-like shapes to fabricate reasons why this is not a good idea (zombie attack comes to mind). Not only will they continue to ignore the problem, but they will ignore the accessory problems. Were it to come to light that the shooter used a card table to steady his weapon, there’s a good chance we’d be “starting the conversation” on banning card tables.

Meanwhile, we offer our thoughts and prayers to the victims, because we can’t offer any solutions. And even then our thoughts and prayers have to be short-lived so we can make room to pray for the 90 or so victims who will be dispatched tomorrow.

Jeff Newman

Salt Lake City