
Letter: Kick the protesting football players out

FILE - In this Monday, Sept. 25, 2017 file photo, the Dallas Cowboys, led by owner Jerry Jones, center, take a knee prior to the national anthem prior to an NFL football game against the Arizona Cardinals, in Glendale, Ariz. President Donald Trump's clash with the scores of professional football players who knelt during the Star Spangled Banner last weekend has set off a heated debate over proper etiquette during the national anthem. But throughout the world, flags, anthems and other national symbols can often divide as much as they unify, especially in countries with large religious or ethnic divisions. (AP Photo/Matt York, File)

I have been reading more and more about the NFL players who are supposedly protesting the mistreatment of minorities by kneeling or sitting during the national anthem. To me, this is a coward’s way out. There are many other ways to protest mistreatment.

By kneeling during the national anthem these players are spitting on the American flag, turning their back on their country and disrespecting the men and women who raised their hand and pledged to serve and even die for this country.

If they are ashamed of living here, I am sure that North Korea would love to have them.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has back-pedaled on this issue by trying to change the focus of the issue. He points to all of the good work that the NFL and various players have done in support of efforts to clean up after the recent hurricanes. His recent statement does not address the players’ lack of respect for the country that gave them the opportunity to play for millions of dollars a year.

The best example of their attitude is what is shown on national television every week when the cameras show the players disrespect for this great country.

If I were an NFL owner, I would follow what President Trump advocates: Kick them out, fire them; they are no longer wanted.

I say this after serving three tours in Vietnam. By choice. I was not drafted.

Kevin Greer

West Jordan