This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Sen. Orrin Hatch has outlived any usefulness he ever had as our senior senator from Utah. Let me cite three examples of the terrible legacy he is leaving.

First, perhaps you have been shocked, as I have, by the Health Care Reconciliation Act (aka Trumpcare) that is now under consideration in the Senate. This bill, which would completely gut Medicaid and take health care of any sort from more than 20 million of our fellow American citizens. This will result in the sickness and death of tens of thousands of our most vulnerable. It will also create havoc for the elderly in nursing homes, about two-thirds of whom are covered by Medicaid for their expenses. Hatch does not seem to care a bit that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) is tremendously popular across the country and in Utah. Nor does he understand that Medicaid is used to help our veterans, helpless, mentally ill, the elderly. Strike one.

Second, I am an ecologist who understands the value of, and short-lived opportunity to protect some important large pieces of remaining ecosystems, most of which throughout the Earth are fragmented, degraded and for all practical purposes, except for further exploitation, effectively beyond repair. In Utah we have the potential to save some of these lands for the future. The "real" value of such lands is much higher if they are not exploited and are allowed to provide their "ecosystem services" as well as protect our heritage. Hatch has worked tirelessly to defeat any protection of public lands in Utah. His latest work? Against the wishes of most Utahns and Americans, to rescind our new national monuments which are of incalculable value if protected. Strike two.

And third, The Trump-Russia scandal is one of the largest challenges to our Democracy since it was founded. Doesn't it seem reasonable that all Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, would want this scandal carefully investigated. Not Hatch. He suggests the entire investigation into the Trump family and other top aides is way overblown. He, in fact suggested that Trump's son, Donald Junior's meeting with Russian aides spoke highly of the Trump family to show such loyalty. Oh my goodness. It is possible we have a traitorous president and Hatch suggests it is all blown out of proportion. Strike three.

You're out, Mr. Hatch.

Sam Rushforth
