This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I have come to the conclusion that Donald Trump and the Republicans are really not the problem in this country. Our problem is the fact that this country is populated by full-blown, slack-jawed morons and a lot of them.

I'm convinced that a majority of the people out there in the United States couldn't even count their own toes on a good day. We have people who firmly believe that Republicans are helping them somehow even though all of the evidence points to the contrary.

We have a public that has been systematically dumbed-down. Education and real evidence have been replaced with sports, violence and hyper-patriotism. Flag waving and Bible thumping instead of actual thinking. People have become too lazy and complacent to make even the slightest effort to check facts or do a little research into what is going on around them. They have been deluded into thinking that America is "exceptional."

Also, all evidence points to the contrary. We are exceptional at ignorance, greed, violence, incarceration and drug addiction but beyond that I can think of nothing that makes us exceptional. Even the Canadian military has us beat in the sniper department.

Daniel Fjeld
