This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The recent unprecedented action by the executive, pushed by Utah's congressional delegation to "review" monuments is a thinly veiled action to pay back big money political supporters and polluters who put those Utah politicians into office. Outrageous.

None of America's monuments should be rescinded or re-sized. Monuments should receive congressional appropriations and should be supported for the economic boost they bring to places like Garfield and Kane counties in Utah, not to mention protected for their other salient attributes. Monuments mean jobs, sustainable jobs and investments in our communities. However, there is no acknowledgment by Utah's congressional delegation of the economic boost to these counties, a boost directly related to Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument's 1996 designation. Cattle grazing on this monument continues, as a hobby at best, insured to continue as stated in the monument proclamation.

What's the real reason to reject our monuments? Is it coal mining, isolationism, state's rights to rule America's public lands? It is always said to follow the money and it leads here in Utah to big business and out-of-state polluters. Utah, look forward and embrace our monuments, help them be all they can be. And it might help if only Utahns support Utah's elected officials.

Marsha Holland
