This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

During the Obama administration, Republicans led comprehensive investigations into the Benghazi tragedy and Hillary Clinton's private email server, among others.

Republicans were often rabid over the process of those investigations. Now we have an investigation into Russia's interference in our sacred democratic process with the possible collusion of the Trump campaign.

Most citizens of the United States do not want a rabid, partisan investigation, simply a comprehensive and honest one. Americans deserve to know the facts of this very serious matter without political, or presidential, obstruction. We therefore respectfully ask Republicans, who currently hold the majority in both houses of Congress and the presidency, to facilitate a fair and comprehensive investigation. It can't be done without patriotic Republicans standing for correct principles, the principles that sustain democracy.

Republicans should aggressively oppose any efforts by the White House to dismiss Special Counsel Robert Mueller, or any other impediments to the progress of the investigation. Let the facts run where they will. It's time to be Americans, not partisans.

Gail L. Porritt
