This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

What a joke. The Chief Liar in the White House called James Comey a leaker and liar. If it was not so sad, one would laugh about it.

President Trump has lied his way through life long before and after landing in the White House. Take for instance all the laws he has changed since occupying the White House. He claimed to have done it "to save health care, to save American jobs, to save American lives," etc. etc.

Looking back on the day that Barack Obama became president and the "birther" incident shows us why he did all of the above. He has hated President Obama and is determined to wipe out whatever Obama had achieved, in spite of the GOP stonewalling, and to damage Obama's legacy.

Know what? No matter what Trump and the GOP, including the Utah delegation, do to discredit Obama, they will never succeed.

Obama has created a legacy of being a gentleman of class that Trump can only envy but never attain.

David A. Kohlschein
