This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I have emailed Sen. Orrin Hatch three days in a row regarding the State of the Union. In one email, I went off on Donald Trump's intimidation of Sally Yates and his discrediting of James Comey, since it appears that they are getting close to truths that Trump does not want known.

Ten hours after that email was sent, Trump fired Comey, supposedly due to his helping Trump take the election. Right. I then emailed asking Hatch whom he intends to stand with, the people or the GOP, which seems intent on covering every unethical and, I would say, criminal thing this president has been/is doing.

So what does Trump do? He hires an attorney to lie to the American people for him. Yes, he really is about truth and justice for all. This is about truth and justice for the elite 1 percent and the rest of us are in really deep trouble.

I offered to send Hatch a Jimmy Kimmel T-shirt that says "Comey is my Homey" and told him I think we should all be wearing them and standing together to take this "CIC" down. Trump has already implicated himself, as has his son, Eric, in past interviews. They have both made references to having great ties, as in financial, to Russia.

This man seems to think that the office of president means he can say anything and we all have to believe it. No and no.

Hatch has not had much to say except that he is so concerned about all the people on the dole in this country. Well, sir, before you can point your finger I say take a look at yourself, the man who has been on the taxpayers' dole for almost the entirety of his life. I am old enough to remember you running on "term limits." You figured out pretty quickly that wasn't going to pay you the big bucks.

Suzanne Jensen

Salt Lake City