This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

As a "Leftover Republican," I am receptive to the news that 3rd Congressional District Rep. Jason Chaffetz announced he is disinclined to run for incumbency in the 2018 election cycle.

We can only guess that one of his ambitions is to become the governor. Good luck with that.

I'm an odd man out in Utah County who differs radically with the establishment Utah Republican Party in opinion — noting the irony that the delegates decided to toss out Rep. Chris Cannon, who was also quite corrupt and arrogant — to replace with Chaffetz back in 2008, but I say good riddance to the supercilious and wise-ass, jiggly puff Chaffetz.

Chaffetz: We thought you'd usher in humility and change after Cannon got the boot, especially for his vocal support of TARP and his reprehensible arrogance characteristic of the self-centered and mindlessly sheeplike Utah Mormon community, but you're still part of the problem that represents the swamp.

Ergo, you won't be missed.

Aaron Heinerman
