This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

It would be fair to point out regarding Lane Wilson's comments (April 13) concerning "hungry crocodiles" within the Trump administration that these people are millionaires for a good reason. They are intelligent, successful and will achieve their goals. They have no need to succumb to lobbyists and donors. They do not need the money and cannot be bought. They are not hungry and many have accepted their positions at far smaller salaries than they were making at their old jobs.

When are the bleeding liberals going to acknowledge the fact that they lost the election? Will they ever grow up and get behind this president so that we can once again be the proud United States of America? And when will the so-called professors in our campuses stop spewing the poisonous rhetoric that is dividing our country and filling the developing minds of our youth with lies and propaganda?

The idea of "sanctuary cities" is corroding our nation and what we stand for to the very core. Remember the Revolutionary War and the Constitution. Political correctness? C'mon, get real.

It's way past the time that this fetid swamp be drained of the greedy, self-interested "good ole boy" syndrome. Thank God President Donald Trump is not a politician.

Thank God that Hillary Clinton did not win!

Ralph E. Henry

Salt Lake City