This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Regarding the April 7 Public Forum letter, "Fact check op-eds." The Tribune's routinely prints op-eds calling law-abiding gun owners murderers and criminals, when they have murdered no one and have not been convicted of any crime, as well as other false statistics regarding "common sense" gun laws as having national support in the 80 percent range or higher.

Fifty percent of people cannot even agree on the color of the sky. These false statistics about guns, gun owners and gun control are proudly and routinely presented by the Tribune as facts without any verification whatsoever. The Second Amendment is not a second-class right for second-class people.

The Tribune also gives a bully pulpit to anyone or any organization that is anti-gun in the Sunday op-ed section — most recently, Moms Demand Action. Never once has any law-abiding gun owner been given this special privilege; and I have been reading this paper for over 40 years. How can you claim to be Utah's Independent Voice, or anyone's independent voice when you present only one side — liberal — of every single issue facing our state and our nation?

Hugh Johnson

Salt Lake City