This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I read the letter "Inspections are obsolete" (March 24) and almost choked on my coffee. Jerry Johnston states that he has been driving for over 50 years. Getting his license at the age of 16 tells me that he is probably 66 years old or older, probably retired and not doing a lot of driving.

I, too, remember when ball joints, mufflers, etc., had to be replaced on a regular basis. I am still working full time (I hit 65 this summer) and during my commute it amazes me as to how many vehicles do not have both headlights, both brake/tail lights, operating turn signals, or have excessively worn tires. These issues do not show up on any dashboard indicator that they are not working.

I have seen cars that appear to have been in a slight accident and the headlight or tail light is completely missing. If there were no inspections there is no telling how long it would take for the owner to have the vehicle repaired.

I am sure that there are many other issues that a proper safety inspection would find that do not show up on the dashboard, including excessive emissions.

So no, Jerry Johnston, safety inspections are not obsolete.

Kevin Greer

West Jordan