This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The recent article in The Salt Lake Tribune about Rep. Mike Noel seeking to become the next director of the Bureau of Land Management is cause for concern.

The public lands in Utah and other Western states are of increasing value for the resources they provide for all users. Those values include important commodity resources, such as oil and gas, solar and wind energy, timber, livestock grazing and water. However, noncommodity resources are just as important, and include recreation, wildlife, wilderness, cultural, scenic, biological diversity and watershed conservation values.

As a BLM resource manager for 39 years, now retired, I have a good understanding of the importance and value of public lands and good land management for all users as directed in the BLM mission, which is "to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of America's public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations."

While serving as BLM resource manager in Kanab, I worked directly with Noel until he left the agency. Because of that experience, I have good respect for Noel as a person, but adamantly disagree with his disdain for federal government management and his personal and biased agenda.

Cooperation and partnership is the best approach to the management of public and state lands. An excellent example of this approach is the very successful Watershed Restoration Initiative. This cooperative partnership between state and federal agencies, sportsmen, conservation organizations and private landowners is dedicated to improving and sustaining the health of all watersheds in Utah. It is a model for all Western states.

Management of public lands in Utah and other states is at a critical point in time. The next BLM director will need to ensure the BLM mission to provide enduring values and uses of those lands is sustained. Noel does not have that vision and is not that leader.

Verlin Smith
