This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

There have been quite a few editorials and opinion pieces in The Tribune in the last few weeks regarding whether the schools need more funding or not. Also debated is that if the schools do need more funding, where should it come from?

Some advocate that the schools are performing well enough now and no additional funding is needed. That is how they measure that no more funds are necessary. Others advocate an across-the-board 17 percent increase in the income tax rate to obtain additional funding.

Utah teachers are paid an average of 20 percent less than the national norm and our class sizes are the highest in the nation. Our teachers must seek outside sources of income in order to make ends meet. There is no question that additional funds are necessary.

Everyone knows that a factor in underfunding is that Utah's birthrate is over 25 percent higher than the national average. Additional funding should be accomplished through a very conservative concept — personal responsibility. Whenever a couple decides to have children, they must decide what they can afford. Utah should limit the dependent tax deduction to two. Teachers will be paid what they deserve, class sizes lowered and those adding additional strain to the system will help pay for it.

Robert Jennings
