This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Paul Waldman argued strongly in The Trib (Dec. 10) that Donald Trump and the GOP want to "southernize" the entire United States in terms of economic, political and social arrangements. However, I think it is even more likely that Trump wants to turn the country into a Russian-style kleptocracy.

Let's look at the evidence. Trump has repeatedly praised Vladimir Putin's authoritarian leadership style. He invited Russia to hack the email of Democrats, which it did. He demonizes legitimate news sources, such as the "failing" New York Times, and champions false news propaganda websites, such as Alex Jones' InfoWars and Steve Bannon's Breitbart News. He's called for the jailing of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. He refuses to be transparent about his businesses and expects to continue to run them as president. He has nominated individuals with close business ties to Russia for national security advisor and secretary of state. Other Cabinet picks are hostile to the mission of the agencies they are expected to lead. He's put Wall Street bankers from Goldman Sachs in charge of the economy.

These are the same kinds of moves Trump's buddy Putin has made in Russia: Discredit and dismantle the legitimate free press, disseminate false information, attack and disarm critics and competitors, curry favors from friends and reward them handsomely, and dismantle the electoral system.

Watch what Trump does over the next few months. He will throw us commoners a few bones to distract us (Carrier AC jobs, anyone?), but the steaks and frog legs will go to his fat cat buddies on Wall Street and in the business community in terms of tax breaks and special deals.

I advise everyone to follow the money. It is not going to end up in your pockets.

Donald H. Feener Jr.

Salt Lake City