This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Alpha males have been around for a long time. JFK, Bill Clinton, King David of the Bible and Brigham Young all had a certain "urge" in common. Maybe the good old boy political class "doth protest too much" over Donald Trump. Trump doesn't need this job, but our country needs someone with fortitude and loyalty to our people and Constitution. Hillary Clinton needs it to stay out of prison and to protect her big donors and their secrets. The Queen of Corruption will betray. Socialism, Islamism and terrorism will enslave and kill. I trust the media only as far as I can throw an aircraft carrier. Oh, do we have any of those anymore? Vote for our country's survival. (Clearly, the only choice is Trump.)

Jody James
