This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I used to live in Utah and was always amazed at how frightened so many people were of alcohol. I just read today that the DABC is demanding that a "Zion Ceiling" must be constructed at the new Eccles Center so that patrons in the balconies "cannot see alcohol being poured in the restaurant."

What in the world are they afraid of? I know the Legislature, following the mandates of the LDS Church, (whatever happened to the separation of church and state?) passed this law, but I just have to ask if the mere witnessing the pouring of alcohol is so tempting that adults cannot control themselves. And if children were to see it happening, isn't it incumbent on the parents to teach them to refrain, if that is what they believe?

Are the adults of Utah simply children who have never grown up? Is temptation too much for them to handle? This all just seems so juvenile.

Thomas A. Schaffer

San Luis Obispo, CA