This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Suddenly, it all made sense when the local morning TV news covered Donald Trump Jr.'s visit to Salt Lake City. There was a flash of Greg Hughes' expression as he stared at Trump, emoting boundless rapt admiration. Not unlike a 13-year-old at a Taylor Swift concert. Two con-men, together at last.

I have wondered why so many of Utah's congressional delegation, legislators and governor — nearly all of whom are members of the local dominant faith, founded on principles of honesty and integrity — can with a straight face support the candidacy of so dishonest, bigoted, sanctimonious and unqualified a candidate as Donald Trump? Looking at Hughes and Trump Jr. it finally clicked.

Candidate Trump, according to multiple fact check organizations, lies between 70 percent and 80 percent of the time. Trump openly declares his bigotry. He hides his unsavory and potentially illegal business and foundation activities behind the ruse of not releasing his taxes due to an audit, even as notable CPA firms and the IRS state being under audit does not interfere with or prevent Trump from releasing his taxes. Trump is conning America just as Hughes and our other political leaders have conned Utah.

Utah's political leadership supports Trump because they are just like him: unqualified, lying hypocrites.

Jonathan C. Seegmiller

Salt Lake City