This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Tribune reports a "crisis" with an increasing number of people trapped in poverty by rising rents and stagnant wages. We must explore all options for solving this seemingly intractable problem. Recent statistics prove we can't build enough low-income housing to satisfy this need.

While continuing ways to build more such housing, the City Council needs to explore increasing the minimum wage to a livable wage.

One aspect of corporate welfare seldom discussed is that some corporations pay their employees so little that these employees are forced to turn to charity and public assistance — such as food pantries, low-income housing, Medicaid, etc. — to survive.

These actions increase such corporations' bottom lines at taxpayer expense. It's past time for these corporations to pay their fair share. Raise the minimum wage to a living wage.

Linda Bonar
