This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes has it backward when he suggests that Gov. Gary Herbert's reluctance to endorse Donald Trump shows a lack of courage ("Utah House speaker 'goes Trump' on governor for not endorsing Trump," Sept. 10).

It's Republican leaders, gung ho for Trump, putting party above country, who have no backbone.

Supreme Court nominations will mean little if the boy in a man's suit begins flinging nuclear weapons.

I thought I'd seen it all when, in 2008, the Republican Party named as its vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin who, despite her good looks, endearing sassiness and inventive use of the English language, was clearly not qualified to be vice president or, God forbid, president.

Now, a mere eight years later, Republican Party leaders have produced another unqualified candidate whose shortcomings, unlike Palin's, are downright dangerous.

Herbert has it right. He needn't vote for Clinton, but he recognizes a disaster when he sees one and wants no part of it.

Allan W. Smart

Salt Lake City