This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The recent canting of Gregory Clark in The Tribune should embarrass any objective scientist. I am not one, yet I know his attempt at scientific inquiry and comment are immature and untrue.

The mouthing of the sad events that a "few" priests rape a very small portion of altar boys is sad and also clearly true. The assumptive conclusion that this information proves there is no God, no sainthood, no miracles, Mother Teresa is a fraud and prayer doesn't work is a quantum leap that no one, even a learned atheist, would normally make.

His inability to venture beyond the concept that one and one make two to the unknown (theoretical) makes him an academically flawed individual, only able to deal with what is known; thus unable to add any new knowledge to what we yet can't explain fully (I can't add it up so it must be untrue). That's ego talking, not intelligence.

What a surprise he will have when he dies and God greets him.

Ronald John
