This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Americans deserve a one-payer, streamlined, universal healthcare system to reduce exorbitant costs and increase convenience. As Michael Feldman wrote (Sept. 7), "Ours is the only nation where hard working people can go bankrupt caring for their families' health issues." But instead of arguing for more competition among healthcare insurance providers between states, reduced litigation and promoting a fee-for-service, I encourage policy-makers to move towards a single government-sponsored healthcare program like those of other nations referred to by Feldman.

Instead of the multitude of private sector health insurance claim forms and complicated profit-motivated fees, and paying for business employees just to wade through the myriad of health plans, one system of healthcare would cut through the maze of corporate investor-driven healthcare systems. That would provide a system developed for the American people instead of for investors and corporate executives.

Our health system would then be controlled by the voter instead of by Wall Street. If we don't like how the program is implemented, we can vote the bastards out! No to the present bloated system.

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