This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

We would like to thank the Tribune for publishing Michele Margetts' letter with all its sympathy for "poor Mike Pence."

We hope that Pence is indeed regretting his acceptance to be Donald Trump's vice president. It is very easy for us to consider Pence a man of honor who has lived his life, as he himself has confessed, by the Christian faith, and has served the people of his state with dignity and reverence.

We are, however, at a loss for words to see him change nearly all the dimensions of his belief system just to sit next to Donald Trump. Is it possible that the desire for power has blinded him to his Christian values, to the beliefs by which he has lived his life and served his country? Could anyone see any merit to take orders from a megalomaniac like Trump unless it is for blind power? We have a message for the honorable governor:

Dear Gov. Pence: Please resign your nomination for the VP position and save your own honor and the honor of your country before the world.

Mike and Merlene Beheshti

North Salt Lake City