This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I point to a letter submitted by Earl Rucker ("Current Congress shows its McCarthyism," July 11) in order to suggest an observation. It's very common, and perhaps pervasive, but I get the feeling in debating friends, watching the networks or reading from many sources that Democrats or liberals would and will vote for their candidate no matter what shady, inappropriate or illegal scandals they are involved in.

Point of fact, Rucker chooses to deride Rep. Jason Chaffetz and others in the House Oversight Committee for their pursuit to find truth for the American people regarding Hilary Clinton "matters." Well, even though no indictment came from this investigation as recommended to the attorney general by FBI Director James Comey, there certainly was truth found and in a very crisp, concise and clear manner. When faced with a dozen or more "was that the truth" questions, Rep. Trey Gowdy forced the FBI director to simply toss away Clinton's previous statements one by one, as this investigation resulted in exposing her to be the perfect example of someone who does not speak the truth.

Comey time and time again answered "that was not true" to a string of questions on serious matters, such as "I only carry/have/use one device." (Clinton). Or, more importantly, what about all of Clinton's untruths about classified emails and the basement server?

Why do Rucker and people like him choose to ignore this? I think it's simply due to unabashed and unapologetic loyalty to party. Does honesty in the Oval Office matter?

Scott Spackeen
