This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

After reading in the Tribune that we seniors would receive less than $2.50 a month in a cost of living raise this year, I felt as though all Social Security recipients were just slapped in the face by our elected officials of the government who we trusted to look out for our best interests. Last year we didn't receiving any increase.

It is obvious we have lost our value as United States citizens, even though we supported the world since Social Security was implemented many, many years ago. We feel the government has no concern for our well-being now that some of us are not paying taxes anymore. More and more of us have to continue to work to survive, even if we are very ill. God bless the companies that will hire us with our disabilities.

Every year brings more struggles to survive. Some feel it isn't worth it and swallow a bottle of pills or run their car into an embankment. Is this what they want us to do?

We have lost our wonderful country!

Sharon Wood

South Jordan