This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I have finished reading Sen. Orrin Hatch's op-ed regarding his "Employee Rights Act" bill, and I am amazed at the misinformation he has been given about unions.

I have been fortunate enough to be the president of the Utah AFL-CIO and have spent my 40-plus years in the building trades.

During my time my union has always represented me, regardless if I was a helper, apprentice or journeyman. The unions gave me the opportunity to train and consistently upgrade my skills so I would be more valuable to myself and my employer.

The unions gave me access to affordable health care for me and my family, and I paid into a pension for every hour I worked so that when I retire I can retire with dignity and not be a burden to my family or the state.

I am happy with my union and how they have treated me and my family. If Hatch's staff had done their research in Utah, the state he represents, it would have been very clear to him that organized labor, as a whole, is bipartisan, and when we interview candidates that come to us asking for our endorsement, we interview both Republicans and Democrats. If their agenda matches that of the working families in Utah then they are endorsed.

Dale M. Cox

Salt Lake City