This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A great benefit of modern medicine includes vaccines, a targeted topic within society at present.

The claims made against vaccines may include that the immunizations don't allow the individual to gain a natural and stronger immunity to some diseases and vaccines contain harmful ingredients such as mercury which will cause autism in children.

With a greater perspective and some research, one will find, natural immunity may not take precedence over artificial immunity because some diseases have enough resilience against the host's immune system to cause death. In these cases, an artificial immunity — though some may not consider it as strong — will suffice in keeping the individual alive as opposed to the death that could result from wanting a "natural" immune response.

The claim that vaccines (specifically the influenza vaccine) containing mercury causes autism in children has been proven false throughout various medical studies.

An idea as to how this claim surfaced could include the rise in autism because of the advanced testing available with modern medicine.

In essence, the diseases that have vaccines can be fatal and easily spread, which is why a vaccine has been created in the first place. The health of your children lies in your hands.

Lauren Hash
