This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In an effort to scare voters into voting Republican in November, Republican candidates and other far-right military hawks are claiming President Obama is losing the battle against ISIS terrorists, and a vote for a another Democrat to succeed him will only exasperate that failed foreign policy. In responding to the recent terrorist attack in Belgium, Donald Trump exemplified this line of assault, claiming the terrorists are "totally winning" the war.

The facts indicate otherwise.

For example, estimated that as many as 15,000 ISIS terrorists had been killed during the year preceding August 3, 2015. Compare that to a report by Lucas Tomlinson of Fox News on March 19, noting the death of only the second American killed fighting ISIS since combat operations began in August 2014. Current estimates reflect that ISIS has lost about 40 percent of its territory in Iraq and more that 20 percent in Syria.

Voters shouldn't forget the hawkish strategy that foolishly placed our troops in Iraq in the first place, a failed military scheme ultimately resulting in 4,490 American soldiers killed, not to mention another 32,000 injured and even more needless casualties if post-traumatic stress and other long term disorders are considered.

Raymond A. Hult
