This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Regarding "Why the A.G. went to the wrong party at Sundance," (Feb. 4), our crime-fighting undercover Attorney General Sean Reyes could better serve his constituents if he wandered the streets of Salt Lake City or just looked out his office window during inversion season looking for and reporting idling cars.

Surely he knows hundreds of students marched to the Capitol Feb. 4 in protest of Utah's dirty air, holding signs that read: "Turn your key, be idle free," "Young lungs matter," "Pollution shortens lives," "We want to play outside," "The bees left for a reason," and more.

This clandestine effort would cost taxpayers little to nothing, He's already got a black beanie. We would certainly hear the children in oncology at Primary Children's Hospital applauding his efforts, and he could post signs at exit doors in elementary schools reading, "Today's outside recess courtesy Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes."

Vagn Jensen
