This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I don't understand the continuing controversy with medicinal marijuana. There are more than a hundred medicines currently in use, for a variety of health issues, that are derived from plants or fungi.

Ethnobotany is the scientific name for this process. Stone tablets from 2000 B.C. documented the relief of pain from ingesting willow bark (aspirin). Other common drugs and medications have been used for years: atropine, anticholenergic (nightshade); caffeine, stimulant (coffee, tea, cocoa); camphor, rubefacient, increases blood circulation in the skin (camphor tree); cocaine, local anesthetic (coca plant); codeine and morphine, pain relief (poppy); digitalis, slows rapid heart rate (purple foxglove); nicotine, insecticide (Tobacco); penicillin, antibiotic (blue and white penicillin mold); quinine, antimalarial (quinine tree); scopolomine, sedative (jimson weed); theophylline, diuretic, bronchdialator (cocoa,tea).

All of these can be fatal or debilitating if used for other than their intended purpose. We will continue to find uses for derivatives from the flora and fauna of our living planet, the field of holistic care, and the uses should not be withheld from those in need because someone may find a recreational side effect.

All medications have side effects, even if used under a physicians guidance. The entire field of science is to improve our living conditions and way of life. Don't allow the stricken to suffer because of the potential of the abusers.

L. Gene Miner, RN

West Jordan