This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Tribune's selection of House speaker Greg Hughes as Utahn of the year (Dec. 25) is a head-scratcher. Hughes' shady shenanigans would not be tolerated in most states. That our citizens and our Legislature have elevated such a person as Hughes to high public office is an embarrassment to those of us who cherish integrity, compassion and openness in our leaders.

The Tribune's selection of Hughes does, however, shine a spotlight on our State Capitol, where so much power is concentrated in the Republican Party that it, often behind closed doors, imposes its will, without fear of consequence, simply because it can.

This arrogance of power is, in my view, polluting our state government. I can only hope that voters will soon wake up.

Allan W. Smart

Salt Lake City