This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Utah Highway Patrol confirmed that a Valentine's Day crash on Highway 40 near Heber has claimed a fourth life.

UHP Sgt. Todd Royce said that Darci J. Winger, 45, of Payson, died of her injuries on Tuesday — one week after being involved in a head-on collision that killed three other people.

Troopers still are awaiting results of blood tests to determine if alcohol or drugs may have been factors in the collision.

About 7:20 a.m. on Feb. 14, an eastbound Honda Civic driven by Miguel J. Huitron, 27, of Salt Lake City, crossed the center line and hit a westbound Kia Rio. Huitron and a passenger, Cindy A. Cruz, 27, of West Jordan, were pronounced dead at the hospital.

So was the driver of the second car, Christina L. Macinauskas, 29, of Heber City.

Winger, also a passenger in Huitron's car, had been in "very critical" condition at the hospital until her death this week.

The only survivor of the crash, a passenger in Macinauskas' car, suffered serious injuries.

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