This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A Pleasant View man accused of beating his newborn son to death made his first court appearance on Monday.

Krystopher Mikehal Cleary, 20, was charged last week with first-degree felony murder, accused of fatally injuring 2-week-old Kyson Cleary.

The child died on Dec. 20, four days after police were called to a home near 3200 North and 1250 West because the baby was not breathing, according to a probable cause statement filed in 2nd District Court.

Kyson was taken by medical helicopter to Primary Children's Medical Center, where doctors discovered he had traumatic injuries to his head and eyes, and a broken clavicle bone, according to the court document.

"Doctors also confirmed that there is no plausible accidental mechanism such as a fall or drop that would account for the injuries," a Pleasant View police officer wrote.

When Cleary was interviewed after the baby's death, he allegedly told police that the baby had been crying and he and his wife "had tried everything they could think of" to get him to quit.

"While changing the [baby's] diaper, Kristopher had the baby in his hands and he heard the clavical bone 'pop,' " the officer wrote. "Krystopher said the baby then went stiff and turned purple and quit breathing."

Cleary then took the baby to his mother-in-law, who performed rescue breathing until medical help arrived.

The defendant is expected to be in court again on Thursday, where he is expected to decide whether he wants a preliminary hearing in the case.

He is being held in lieu of $250,000 bail at the Weber County jail.