This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Sweaters one day, shorts and sandals the next. Is this nearly mid-October in Utah, or some sort of Supermanesque, Bizzaro World autumn, for crying out loud?

As comedian Jerry Seinfeld once explained, on the cube-shaped opposite world of Bizarro, "Up is down, down is up." Or, in the case of the Wasatch Front on Friday, high temperatures will rise to near 80 degrees, with overnight lows in the mid-50s — that's roughly 10 degrees warmer than normal for the date.

Incidentally, so were the highs in the mid-70s and lows in the low-50s forecast for Thursday in Salt Lake City.

Partially cloudy skies will rule in the north and well as southern Utah, where high temperatures were to range mid-80s to low-90s with overnight lows around 60 degrees.

The Utah Division of Air Quality rated air quality as "green," or healthy, as the week wound toward its end. That's rotten breathing on Bizarro World, but cause to don your tights, cape and "S" T-shirt and leap tall buildings in a single bound here on Earth.

The Intermountain Allergy and Asthma website listed sagebrush as "very high" (i.e., "up, up and away"), mold as "high," and other allergens "low" on its pollen index as of Sunday.

For more extensive weather forecasts, visit the Tribune's weather page at

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