This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Charleston, S.C. • A coroner in South Carolina who was removed from office after pulling a gun on a neighbor says he and other elected officials are justified in using racial slurs.

Video obtained by local media outlets shows former Dorchester County Coroner Chris Nisbet saying he saw nothing wrong with white officeholders saying a word that many consider racist.

The video is part of a federal lawsuit filed against Nisbet by neighbor Leroy Fulton. Nisbet was charged with misconduct after police said he pulled a gun on Fulton, who the then-coroner said had threatened a repossession worker.

In body cam footage, Nisbet uses a racial slur and other derogatory terms for blacks. The misconduct charge was later dropped, and Nisbet resigned last year.