This is an archived article that was published on in 2016, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Thousands of Utahns donated to charities large and small in the fourth annual "Love Utah Give Utah" online campaign Thursday, raising $1,229,800 for 463 nonprofits and schools.

"We are thrilled with the results," said Alex Eaton, executive director at the Community Foundation of Utah, in a statement. "Love Utah Give Utah is a powerful demonstration of the impact we can have collectively on our communities. We're excited to help the public rally behind the organizations that make Utah great."

In 2015, the campaign raised a similar amount, at $1,231,521. Organizers had aimed to hit $1.6 million this year.

Pets and students were the most popular beneficiaries Thursday. Animal welfare efforts drew the most donations in three of the four size categories, with Humane Society of Utah gathering $30,155; Community Animal Welfare Society, $20,105; and Utah Animal Advocacy Foundation, $21,485.

Salt Lake Arts Academy, which held a concert Thursday night, collected $28,347, and Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts received $16,140,

A leader board tracked the groups that racked up the highest number of donors.

Large organizations: Humane Society of Utah, Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts, Salt Lake Arts Academy.

Medium organizations: Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah (HEAL), Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Rape Recovery Center.

Small organizations: Community Animal Welfare Society, Moab Valley Multicultural Center, Fit to Recover Inc.

Micro organizations: Utah Animal Advocacy Foundation, Children and the Earth, Grassroots Shakespeare Company.

See groups and their donation totals at