This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A recently unsealed search warrant provides new details about a Sevier County homicide case.

William G. Muir, 39, of Venice, was charged in 6th District Court with one count of first-degree felony murder for the Nov. 22 slaying of 36-year-old David Rioja, also of Venice.

According to the search warrant, Rioja's brother reported hearing a truck pull up, followed by "what sounded like" an argument and assault between his brother and a male from the truck. He then heard the truck leave.

Muir's girlfriend later told investigators that Muir had woken her up and said he was "tired of getting beat up," the warrant reads. He had wounds on his head, hands and right forearm, and he said "he was going to do something about it," the warrant adds.

Rioja's brother heard the truck return within 15 minutes, and "this time [he] heard his brother say something to the [effect] of, 'What, you going to shoot me now?'" the warrant reads. He then heard what he believed were three gunshots, followed by the truck leaving.

Soon after, Muir called dispatchers and reported that he had been assaulted, according to the warrant. His girlfriend "corroborated that Muir had told her something bad had happened," had started crying, and handed the phone to her to talk to the dispatcher, the warrant adds.

Muir was arrested at his home, where police recovered a .38-caliber revolver from an open lunchbox in a closet, according to court documents filed in Richfield's 6th District Court.

"Did I kill him?" a handcuffed Muir asked officers as he was led from his home.

The court papers say police found a wooden implement resembling an ax handle lying near Rioja's body. The handle was broken and stained with what appeared to be blood, the papers say.

Police also found broken glass and part of a window frame in the driveway. Officers later discovered the back window of Muir's car had been broken and a piece of window frame was hanging from the window mounting bracket, court papers say.

Muir lives several blocks from Rioja, but it is not clear from court documents what triggered their dispute or how they were acquainted.

Muir's next court appearance is scheduled for Tuesday morning.

Twitter: @MikeyPanda