This is an archived article that was published on in 2015, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Police have said they had no documented history of violence and had never been called to Russell and Shawna Smith's Roy home before the couple and their two children were found dead in their house on Father's Day.

But Shawna Smith had reportedly planned to leave her husband — whom she had been with for nine years — according to a newly unsealed search-warrant affidavit.

On the evening of June 21, family members went to the Smith home, near 2100 W. 4750 South, and called police after finding 6-year-old Tylee lying in blood on the living room floor. The caller told dispatchers that she believed Russell Smith "has been drinking tonight and has a gun inside the house," according to the affidavit, which was written by a Roy police officer.

The woman said she called police after her boyfriend found the young girl, but added that she didn't dare to go farther into the home.

"[The caller] informed dispatch that her sister-in-law is also inside the house, and that they hadn't heard from her for a couple of days, so they got worried and went to the house," the affidavit reads. "[She said] that her sister-in-law was leaving her husband."

According to the affidavit, 26-year-old Shawna Smith's naked body was found in a bathroom, while the body of 2-year-old Blake was in a crib in a bedroom. Russell Smith, 29, was found in the same bedroom. All four family members had gunshot wounds to the head, according to the search warrant.

Police believe Russell Smith shot his wife and children before killing himself. Authorities gathered six shell casings and a handgun from the home, according to the affidavit.

Roy police officials have not yet publicly revealed a motive for the crime and were not immediately available for comment Monday.

At a vigil after the murder-suicide, those close to the young Smith family were baffled by the tragedy, saying Russell Smith was an adoring father and husband.

In the days after the shooting, Russell Smith's parents released a statement expressing shock and disbelief about the deaths.

"We don't understand what happened or why," the statement reads. "Unfortunately, we may never know. We may never understand."

The parents said their son "loved and cared for his family" and had been looking forward to a new job he had just started.

A funeral for the family of four was held June 27.

Those with violence in the home can contact the Utah Domestic Violence Coalition at 1-800-897-LINK or at Free and confidential help is available 24 hours a day.

Twitter: @jm_miller