This is an archived article that was published on in 2008, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Posted: 9:39 AM- KSL News is reporting today that Salt Lake County District Attorney Lohra Miller has been tailed by a private eye for months.

The surveillance purportedly has included placement of GPS tracking devices on her family car, videotaping what appear to be parties at her home, and spying on Miller and her husband outside a bar.

KSL News says the P.I., Todd Gabler, went so far as to even photograph personal items in her household trash.

KSL News says a video of the surveillance was recently mailed to the Salt Lake City TV station. Gabler says he was trying to prove Miller has lied about purported parties at her home involving minors.

The report appears to be related to a long-running feud between Miller and her neighbors.

Gabler won't say who his original client was, just that the client dropped out and the P.I. pursued the probe on his own.

Complaints about the parties were recently investigated by the Utah Attorney General's Office -- and no evidence of criminal activity was found.

KSL News says that interpretations of what the video actually shows are in dispute. Miller says she and her children were out of town during one of the alleged parties filmed.